Doctor of Medicine
Board Certified and Specialized Plastic Surgeon
Chief director of April31 Plastic Surgery Clinic
- Served as the president of Rhinoplasty Research Association, The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (2010~2012)
- Served as the president of the first Seoul Rhinoplasty Forum (2012)
- Served as the executive director of The Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- Served as the executive director of The Korean Association of Clinical Plastic Surgeon
- Served as a professor at Medical College, Soonchunhyang University
- Served as the director of Kim Jae-Hoon Plastic Surgery Clinic
- Life member of The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- Regular member of The Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- Regular member of The Korean Association of Clinical Plastic Surgeons
- Regular member of Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
- Regular member of International Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- Regular member of American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Academic Papers
Academic Activities and Presentations

Doctor of Medicine
Board Certified and Specialized Plastic Surgeon
- Served as the chief director of Open Plastic Surgery Clinic
- Served as the section chief of Plastic Surgery Department, Handok Hospital
- Served as the section chief of Plastic Surgery Department, Kangnam Korea Hospital
- Served as the assistant administrator of Information &Communication Division,the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- Served as the member of Information &Communication Division, the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- Life member of The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- Regular member of The Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- Regular member of The Korean Association of Clinical Plastic Surgeons
- Regular member of Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
- Regular member of International Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Academic Papers
Recent Academic Paper
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: Volume 36, Issue 4(2012), page 832-841
New Classification for Correction of Alar Retraction Using the Alar Spreader Graft
Journal of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: Vol.16, No.1, Feb. 2010.
Various Surgical Procedures in the Scale of Upturned Nose
Academic Activities and Presentations
Recent Academic Activities and Presentations
2011. 4. 19 Soonchunyand University Plastic Surgery Aesthetic Conference
Lateral canthal lengthening
2011. 4. 1-3 The 29th Korean Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Combined Conference
Lateral canthal lengthening using trasposition flap – overcoming my fault
2010 Soonchunyand University Plastic Surgery Aesthetic Conference
medical video editing with Vegas
2009. 11. 19-21 The 67th Korean Plastic Surgery Conference
3-directional expansion of lateral canthal angle
2009. 9. 24 The 3rd Korean Plastic Surgery Daejun Conference
Lengthening of lateral canthal angle with transposition flap
2009. 7. 4 The 6th Korean Plastic Surgery Eye Research Symposium
Lengthening of lateral canthal angle with transposition flap

Doctor of Medicine
Board Certified and Specialized Plastic Surgeo
Director of April31 PS Clinic
- Scholarship Director of Rhinoplasty Research Association, The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- Life member of The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- Regular member of The Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- Regular member of The Korean Association of Clinical Plastic Surgeons
- Regular member of Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
- Regular member of International Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Academic Papers
Recent Academic Paper
SCI Paper YMJ, To be published in January
Various Applications of Deep Temporal Fascia in Rhinoplasty
SCI Paper Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery : Vol.134, No.5, Nov. 2014, 907-916
Tip Extension Suture: A New Tool Tailored for Asian Rhinoplasty
Archives of Plastic Surgery: Vol.41, No.1, Jan. 2014, 3-11
Effective Septal Extension Graft for Asian Rhinoplasty
SCI Paper Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: Volume 36, Issue 4(2012), 832-841
New Classification for Correction of Alar Retraction Using the Alar Spreader Graft
Journal of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: Vol.16, No.1, Feb. 2010
Various Surgical Procedures in the Scale of Upturned Nose
J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg 2002 Dec 029(05): 449-454
An Experimental Study of Fibroblast Suppression in Collagen Lattice
J Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofac Assoc. 2002 Oct;3(2): 108-112
Correction of Craniosynostosis using Distraction Osteogenesis via Endoscopic Approach
Academic Activities and Presentations
Recent Academic Activities and Presentations
014. 11. 7-9 2nd Seoul Rhinoplasty Forum 2014 (SRF 2014) & The 12th Rhinoplasty Research Symposium 72nd Congress of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, The K-Hotel, Seoul, Korea Bulbous tip correction
2014. 6. 15 Korean Plastic and Reconstructive Training Lecture)
Septal cartilage (harvesting, fabrication & basic application)
2014. 4. 26-27 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2014
32nd Congress of the Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
12nd Congress of the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons, COEX, Seoul, Korea Bulbous tip correction
2013. 7. 7 The 11th Rhinoplasty Symposium
Septal extension graft: Basic technique and sequence(video)
2013. 4. 27-28 The 31st KAPS and The 11th KPRS Combined International Conference, Coex, Seoul-Postoperative Care in Secondary Rhinoplasty
2013. 3. 23 he 47th Hanhyang Symposium
Instructional Course; Nose Tip Extension Procedures for Asians
2012. 11. 9-11 Korean Plastic Surgery Academic Conference Anesthesia (Basic Educational Course of the Rhinoplasty I; Introduction)
2012. 6. 16-17 Seoul Rhinoplasty Forum 2012(SRF 2012)
The Usefulness of TES(Tip Extension Suture) in Nasal Tip-plasty
2012. 4. 13-15 The 30th Korean Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Conference and The 10th Korean Plastic Surgeons Combined International Conference
2011. 6. 26 The 8th Rhinoplasty Symposium
-Office Based Practical Anesthesia
2011. 4 . 1-3 The 29th Korean Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Conference and The 9th Korean Plastic Surgeons Combined International Conference
-Temporal Fascia
(Panel, Symposium : Material for Nose
2010. 12. 21 Soonchunyan Aesthetic Conference
-Osteotomy in Rhinoplasty; Internal Approach
-Correction of Alar Retraction Using Alar Spreader Graft
2010. 11. 4-7 2010. 11. 4-7 Reward as The Best Academic Paper Presented at The 68th Korean Plastic Surgery Conference
-Osteotomy in Rhinoplasty; Internal Approach
(Panel, Pros and Cons in Rhinoplasty)
2010 Korean Plastic Surgery Aesthetic Conference
Advantages of MILB(Minimal Invasive Lower Blepharoplasty)
2009.11.19-21 The 67th Korean Plastic Surgery Conference, COEX, seoul
Advantages of Minimal Invasive Lower Lid Blepharoplasty
2009.11.19.-21 The 67th Korean Plastic Surgery Conference, COEX, seoul
Intraoral Manual Compression for Suppression of Intraoperative Hemorrhage in Reduction Angleplasty
2009.3 The 3rd Facial Contouring Research Symposium
Intraoral Manual Compression for Suppression of Intraoperative Hemorrhage in Reduction Angleplasty
(Panel, How to Operate & How to Solve)

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Eye surgery, Rhinoplasty, Cosmetic procedure
- Director of April31 Plastic Surgery Clinic Medical Degree, Cha Hospital
- Life time member of The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- Regular member of The Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- Regular member of The Korean Association of clinical Plastic Surgeons
- Regular member of International Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons 2019
- ASPS Scholarship award

Doctor of Medicine
Board Certified and Specialized Plastic Surgeon
- School of Medicine, Catholic University
- Life member of The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- Regular member of The Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- Regular member of The Korean Association of Clinical Plastic Surgeons
- Regular member of Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
- Rhinoplasty Research Association, The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
- Regular member of International Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons

- Graduated from Yeon Sei Department of Surgery
- Certified Anesthesiology Specialist at Sinchon Severance Hospital
- Head Manager at Sound ENT Clinic
- Regular member of The Korean Society of Anesthesiologists
- Regular member of The Korean Pain Society
- Regular member of The Korean Intravenous Anesthesiologists
- Regular member of The Korean Nerve Root Research