Surgical information

Specialized Surgeon Dr. Jae Hoon Kim, Chief director

Anesthesia . IV Sedation + Local Anesthesia

Post operative treatment visits 3-4 times

Stitch removal : 5-7 days after

Recovery Care : Bruising and swelling care

What is Autologous Rhinoplasty? 



It refers to rhinoplasty only with autologous materials to improve the bridge and tip when artificial implants such as silicon, goretex or alloderm are not a good option or unwanted.

It is the most suitable method that can achieve low rate of complications with the most natural nasal shape since only autologous materials are used without foreign substances.



When Autologous Rhinoplasty is Needed

01. In case of patients who have really thin skin

02. When foreign body material or undissolvable filler remained inside the nose

03. In case of immediate surgery in a state of infection

04. After frequent foreign body reaction occured

05. When patients are against artificial implants

06. In case of severe internal nasal scar tissue and skin irregularity due to several surgeries

Types and characteristics of autologous materials


The most suitable surgical method is chosen according to the cause.



1. Ear Cartilage

It can be harvested from behind the ear and it's
commonly used for the tip in simple augmentation rhinoplasty. It's relatively softer than septum cartilage and can create natural tip shape. 

2. Septum Cartilage

Since septum cartilage can be harvested from inner side of the nose during rhinoplasty, it doesn't cause any scar or functional/structural problem. It is harder than ear cartilage so can provide

stronger support.


3. Costal (Rib) Cartilage

Rib cartilage is commonly used when using other cartilages is hard due to several revisions. It's generally used for reconstructive and strut purpose and leaves 3-4cm incision line when 6th or 7th rib cartilage is harvested. April31 PS uses 10th rib cartilage which is convenient to be harvested allowing just 1-1.5cm incision which eventually fades away and becomes hard to notice.

4. Dermis


'Dermofat Graft' means utilizing parts of skin tissue and fat layer together. It can be harvested from armpit area, thighs or buttocks to be grafted on the nasal bridge and tip.


5. Fascia

Fascia is a thin layer wrapping around the muscle. It is common to use deep temporal fascia in rhinoplasty which has merits of convenient harvest and invisible scar. It is usually used to augment the nasal root or prevent implant transparency for patients with thin skin.

6. Bone

The bone is usually harvested from the skull, rib or pelvis. However, it is usually applied for reconstructive surgery due to deformity from accidents rather than cosmetic surgery since it is a relatively invasive surgery.

7. Fat Graft

It is usually harvested from abdomen or thighs for micro fat graft. Special solution is injected for the harvest of fat which will

be precisely extracted by centrifugal separator for the grafting.




◆ Treatment Plan 

01. Examine the nose condition, bone structure and soft tissue through 3D CT scanning

 02Consult with Rhinoplasty Specialist Dr. Jae Hoon Kim

 03. Devise a surgery plan suitable for each patient

 04. Perform surgery and monitor recovery