Surgical information    

Specialized surgeon: Dr. Jae Hoon Kim, Chief Director 

Anesthesia :IV Sedation + Local Anesthesia

Post operative treatment visits : 3-4 times

Stitch removal :5-7 days after

Recovery Care : Bruising and swelling care


What is Hump Nose?


Hump nose refers to a nose with 

bump on the bridge. It can be 

corrected by rasping off the 

protruding nasal bone and cartilage

Hump nose can make the nasal root 

look relatively lower and the tip 

droopy which can create an 

arrow-like shape. This may create 

stubborn look with older look image.


Cause of Hump Nose



Nasal Osteotomy was considered as a very complicated surgery previously so often performed under general anesthesia. However, thanks to the improvements of surgical methods and equipment, it can now be performed in much simpler ways with less postoperative swelling and pain.

Every osteotomy at April31 PS is performed simply under sedated local anesthesia, and suitable surgical method is designed based on the level of protrusion and its cause.


  ▶ Congenital  

Protrusion of bone, cartilage, or both

  ▶ Acquired      

Damaged bone and cartilage due to accidents and physical impact. Damaged nasal support structure due to false rhinoplasty. 


◆ Surgical Methods of Hump Nose


Precise and Safe way to achieve natural nose curve


 01. Low nasal root

Simple removal of the hump. Root and tip Augmentation by autologous cartilage. 

Implant may be used to augment the bridge if necessary.


 02. Relatively not so low nasal root with severe hump 

Remove both bone and cartilage on the hump area.

The surface of the bone after the removal can be rasped to created smoother bridge.


 03. Severe Hump Nose with big and wide overall nasal bone 

Careful approach is needed since the width of the bridge may look wide from the frontal view when only the hump is removed. Osteotomy for the nasal bone should be performed together with the hump removal. 



04. Whereas the nasal root is high yet the tip is droopy

Project the tip after removing the hump. Adjust the high nasal root to the bridge and create suitable angle of the nasal tip to avoid the overall nose looking big. Implant for the bridge is not recommended unless it's necessary. 

◆ Before and after  



◆ Treatment Plan 

01. Examine the nose condition, bone structure and soft tissue through 3D CT scanning

 02Consult with Rhinoplasty Specialist Dr. Jae Hoon Kim

 03. Devise a surgery plan suitable for each patient

 04. Perform surgery and monitor recovery